October 30, 2021
25 Low Street
6:30 -10:30PM
$15 at the door
(more if you can, less if you can't, $8 minimum)
FROM ROUTE 95 – Take Exit 57, Route 113 toward Newburyport,
turn right at the Shell Gas Station,1.7 miles down Low St on the right.
FROM ROUTE 1 – Just north of the rotary turn left at the
second traffic light, .1 mile on left.
Plenty of free parking
$15 - per person
More if you can less if you can’t
If you’re on a fixed or limited income please don’t
let the cost keep you away ($10 minimum)
I am extremely invested in getting and keeping everyone
on my
dance floor. I like a variety of music and will try
to play something for everyone.
I love playing your requests if they help me keep the
party going.
You’ll hear classic top 40’s from
the 1950’s to today’s current hits mixed in with
R&B and fun world music you’ve probably never
heard but I promise it is all fun and upbeat and not heavy techno.
Typically earlier in the evening is when
you’ll get more swing and schmooze music.
Later there will be more high energy dancing and some live
At some point we might have a group or a line dance.
CASH BAR: No outside beverages please.
I know that anyone who drinks wants to do it responsibly so please
designate a driver.
TAKE OUT: Bring your own dinner or grab take-out on
your way in, many options on Route 113 and at the Route 1 Rotary.
PIZZA: We may organize a pizza delivery about 7:00
pm, anyone who wants can chip in.
SNACKS: Several options will be available or
bring your own to share.
It’s so much fun to throw a party and
I’d like to share the joy.
If you are so inclined please talk to me at the
beginning of the party about how you might want to get involved that
night by volunteering to be a Hostess. All suggestions will be
considered like welcoming women as they arrive, organizing an ice
breaker, leading a special dance or encouraging name tag artistry.
There will be a networking table to leave business
cards, social group information and upcoming events. Use it as you wish.